Category Archives: About Laughing Cat

On Designing New Stretchy Bracelets and Cat Opinions

Finding creative fuel for new designs is sometimes challenging, finding a quiet, cat-free environment in which to create these designs – even more so. George took a keen interest during the production phase of the latest bracelet designs. Not usually one for digging around in beads, George took time out from his busy day to […]

Meet Fidget – the Latest entry to the Laughing Cat In-house Team

The Laughing Cat team reservedly welcomes Fidget…found her in the beginning of this year wandering the neighborhood in the company of a beautiful 2 yr old Rottweiler. The Rottie as it turned out mastered an escape from a new adopter…I was able to contact the rescue organization and get her picked up and back to […]

Laughing Cat Studio gains inspiration

It probably comes as no surprise that I am cat lover. More accurate to say animal lover – it just so happens that I have slightly more cats than any other species at the moment. Laughing Cat Studios was inspired by a random moment captured on film of one of our rescue kitties – Mouse. […]