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[/two_fourth][two_fourth class=”” last=”yes” ]Obviously my first choice for everyone out there looking for a perfect Mother’s Day gift is an original Laughing Cat Steampunk Pet! That said, there are some truly gifted artists on Etsy and I created a special Mother’s Day Treasury there including just a few of them. I hope you will take the time to check them out and support these wonderful Etsy-ers! Link from the picture or view it
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Other Awesome Gift Ideas
I think these adorable cat earrings make a wonderful gift as well. Currently there are just a few available, but I will make a custom pair for you with the gemstone of your choice – just send meĀ an email!
Buy these bundles of cute here!
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Is your mom a dog or a cat person? Chances are we have her favorite breed (and species) available in a print or fun pendant!